Know the reasons for the extra heating of smartphones and solutions - ONCENEWS24


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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Know the reasons for the extra heating of smartphones and solutions

Many of us say that talking about smartphones is hot. Someone says that the more apps are in the installation, the more warm.
Really? Some people say that they are hot for continuous phone usage, long phone charges or extra games. Actually, each electronic device is hot, it is not something that is very much.
Yet there may be additional hot hazards. So, we need to know the reasons for the extra heating of the smartphone and solutions.
A process of heating up the smartphone is processor heating. Many of you know that the main part of the smartphone is the processor. Processor is a device that always works. You do not use the phone or else. Processors are made with small electrons. The processor is fitted with a smartphone body so that the heat is felt.
Mobile companies are currently slashing the smartphone day by day. But the technology of the battery is not so much better than that. The more vulnerable the battery will cause the phone to produce more heat. The phone is too hot during battery charging or discharging.
Weak network:
Another hot thing to do is to get the phone warmer. If the network is weak on your phone then the signal goes and comes. Again, the speed to use WiFi is to get a lot of speed. After a lot of pressure on the phone for weak networks, the smartphone is too hot.
The amount of heat is normal:
Your phone is less hot, it's not right. Normally the smartphone can be up to 35-47 degrees Celsius. You might think your phone gets hot by calling a low priced phone, is it really? That's not right. Like the Nokia phone, Apple phones are too hot. However, even if the phone is warming up to 35-47 degrees Celsius in standby mode, then there is a problem with your phone.
Ways to get rid of excess heat:
It is not right to use a smartphone or to play extra games on the phone. Always keep in mind that the charge is on the phone. Do not turn on more apps together. Keep in mind that the additional apps on the phone are taking more space in the background. Always keep RAM and cache memory clean. Delete unnecessary messaging. Turn off any animation you have on the phone. Use the cover on the phone so that the cover is leather. Keep in mind that the phone does not get hot after external heat. Always refrain from using Wi-Fi. Always keep the phone in a dry place. And always should not turn on data

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